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Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Christophe Biernacki is the head of the M2 “Ingénierie Statistique et Numérique” at University Lille 1.

Serge Iovleff is responsible for the Computer Science Licence semester.



Christophe Biernacki participated as a reviewer to 5 PhD theses and 1 HdR committee, and as an examiner to 1 PhD thesis and 2 HdR committees. He also participated to 1 recruitment committee for a professor and was president of 1 recruitment committee for an assistant professor.

Alain Celisse has participated as an examiner to 1 PhD thesis.

Sophie Dabo-Niang has participated as an examiner to 4 PhD thesis.

Guillemette Marot was a member of two recruitment committees (MCU Univ. Nice, IE Univ. Lille). She was also an examiner to 1 PhD thesis.

Cristian Preda has participated as an examiner to 1 HdR committee.

Vincent Vandewalle has participated as an examiner to 1 PhD thesis.